Kansas City is first to make public transit fare-free


Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay

Today, December 6th, Kansas City became the first major metropolitan city in America to have fare-free public transit. Vote count was 13-0 in favor of a measure branded as “Zero Fare Transit.” That means residents will be able to use the KC Streetcar or the bus service for free.

“City council voted unanimously to make city bus routes fare-free,” reports KSHB.

Currently, a trip on a city bus costs $1.50 per ride. Residents’ lives will be improved with these free transportation services, especially low-income households who rely on them to commute to work.

Free bus service isn’t new to some in the community. Over the past two years, the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority has given 2 million free bus rides to veterans.

Find out how Kansas City plans to pay for their free-fare endeavor in 435 Kansas City’s Magazine.