A Show of Love and Support | Hearts In The Window


Not everyone can shelter in place. Right now healthcare workers and first responders are putting their lives and families at risk to care for the people that are getting COVID-19. So what can we do to tell those people “thank you”?

Courtesy Hearts in the Window Facebook

Hearts in the Window started with a small group of people in Canada… they put hearts in the window to encourage others, most especially the people in high-risk jobs… then they created a Facebook page and shared their hearts… from there it has spread to a movement of love, hope, and encouragement around the world.

If you have been out all lately, maybe you’ve seen hearts in windows? Painted, construction paper, drawn with a crayon… doesn’t matter the medium, it’s the message that counts. And the message is hope and love.

So let’s try it – let’s send each other some love and support. Get creative, have fun and then SHOW US your creativity in the comment section of our Facebook page. <3 <3

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